Rodents Control

The most common types of rodent pests in our region are the house mouse,
deer mouse, Norway rat and roof rat.)


Rats and mice are extremely destructive, carry diseases and love to chew on nearly anything, including household wiring, clothing and food. Rodents tend to be rapid breeders and they can gain entry to your home through even the tiniest opening. Types of Rodents:

  • House Mouse.
  • Deer Mouse.
  • Norway Rat.
  • Roof Rat.

Because of the high risk to human health and potential damage to food, electrical wiring, insulation, clothing and personal effects rodent control should be taken very seriously in the home or business. Without intervention, one pair of mice can produce as many as 200 offspring in just 4 months.

Rodent Control

Bees and Pest has been treating rodent for several years. We’re rodent experts and have a comprehensive process for finding, eliminating, and preventing rodent infestations. Call us to completely get rid of these pests.

Bees and Pest Warranty

We are confident in our training and in our products. We provide all of our customers with treatment warranty.