
In this region, we have three major species:
American cockroach, German cockroach and oriental cockroach.

American Cockroach

Cockroaches contaminate food, kitchen utensils and other household items leaving an unpleasant odour. They frequently entered heated structures to escape colder weather.

German Cockroach

They leave their harbourage at night to find food and water. They live anywhere inside heated structures with readily accessible to food, water and harbourage.

Oriental Cockroach

They invade your homes through gaps in the doorways preferring cool and damp conditions. Oriental cockroaches can be commonly found in between wall voids, sewers and drains.

Cockroach Control

Bees and Pest has been treating cockroaches for several years. We’re cockroach experts and have a comprehensive process for finding, eliminating, and preventing cockroach infestations. Call us to completely get rid of these pests.

Bees and Pest Warranty

We are confident in our training and in our products. We provide all of our customers with treatment warranty.