
Common Types of Flies found in our region includes:
House Fly, Cluster Fly, Drain Fly, Blow Fly, Fruit Fly and Horse Fly


Flies carry and spread bacteria and disease. An immediate health risk to you and your family. Flies detect the odours of food inside or from garbage containers outdoors. Some flies can breed in drains and garbage containers.

Drain Flies

They are very similar to fruit flies, drain flies infest damp or wet areas. The dampness or leak that attracted them must be solved as part of the extermination process.

Cluster Flies, Fruit Flies and House Flies

These flies are among the most common household pests. Removing the breeding sources and professional spraying usually gets rid of them.

Fly Control

Bees and Pest has been treating flies for several years. We’re fly experts and have a comprehensive process for finding, eliminating, and preventing fly infestations. Call us to completely get rid of these pests.

Bees and Pest Warranty

We are confident in our training and in our products. We provide all of our customers with treatment warranty.