Frequently Asked Question

Frequently Asked Questions

Common Questions.

At Bees and Pest, we always try our best to make it easier to find all the information you are looking for. We have been helping our clients and businesses with their pest control needs for over 26 years. We have gathered the most common questions that we have received, and we answered them for you.

How Are Pests Getting in My Home?

There are numerous ways that pests can enter a home. Ants, roaches, and even mice can enter through impossibly tiny cracks and crevices as they search for food and shelter. To lessen the chances of pests intruding into your home, be sure to keep any branches, shrubs, piles of firewood, decorative rocks, and any other aspect of landscaping well-maintained.

How Long Does Pest Control Take?

It depends case-by-case. Certain pests take longer to deal with than others, and certain homes are larger and more complicated to service than others. Some treatments may only take 30 minutes while others may take up to 8 hours depending on the severity and type of treatment that is needed.

How Long Does it Take For Pest Control to Work?

In most cases, you can expect to see a significant and noticeable reduction in pest activity within one to two days. The exact timeframe depends on the pest we’re dealing with along with the choice of materials necessary to provide the best long-term results.

Can I Get Rid of Pests on My Own?

There are several temporary solutions that may work for a short period of time, but in our experience, continued pest control is achieved through going above and beyond normal practices.

Is Preventative Pest Control Necessary for My Home and Business?

YES! A preventative plan is the only plan that works for bugs. They are going to return one way or another. It will be up to you to decide whether you want your home protected when they do come.

When Can I Clean After Pest Control?

When to clean your home varies based on the pest control treatment offered. For example - If part of your treatment included leaving bait around your home, you should be able to clean around them as long as you stay away from the bait.